Sunday, November 23, 2008
My Ransome
My Resume: Fonts gone insane

Abram Katz
New Haven Register
· Science Editor 1986-2008
Wrote weekly Health/Science page consisting of feature story and column, Gray Matters. Selected and edited wire copy for page, and assigned art. Supervised two reporters, assigned and edited their stories. Covered Yale University, Yale School of Medicine, University of Connecticut, Wesleyan University and other local colleges and universities. Also wrote daily and Sunday stories.
· Environment Reporter
Covered state and federal departments of environmental protection. Issues included solid waste, hazardous waste, and Superfund sites. Followed enforcement of federal and state laws.
· Transportation reporter
Beat included state and federal transportation departments, condition of bridges, highways, mass transit, Mianus River Bridge collapse, state DOT policy.
· West Haven Reporter 1979
Responsibilities included city government. Series of stories on municipal corruption led to resignation of police chief, and city treasurer pleading guilty to felony involving illegal loans.
Fitchburg – Leominster Sentinel and Enterprise 1976-1978
· Covered police and fire departments, community development block grants, wrote features, took photos.
Boston University 1975-1976
Received Master of Science degree in print journalism. Wrote master’s thesis on life and career of Upton Sinclair. Wrote additional thesis on Social Darwinism and development of American newspaper design. Courses included news and feature reporting and writing, communications law, survey of foreign press. Covered Middlesex Superior Court and wrote for school publication Boston Courier.
Washington University in St. Louis 1971-1975
Bachelor’s degree with honors in English Literature. Wrote honors thesis on Andrew Marvell political symbolism. Also took courses in biology, mathematics, astronomy, linguistics, vertebrate paleontology, philosophy, European history and art history.
University of Chicago Laboratory High School.
Able to explain complicated subjects clearly and on deadline in clear concise writing.
References and awards on request
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Gotta do something about that water